Friday, December 16, 2011

Preparing for a Job Interview at the Last Minute

At least once a week, someone calls me with the happy news that they have a job interview...tomorrow. They want to know what to do to prepare. Here is the very least that you should know about interviews.

An interview is just a conversation. You want to find out what they need, tell them how it is you can do that , and make sure they heard you.

The first steps are as follows:
Look at their website. What do they do? What do they value? Google them to see if there is any recent news regarding them.
Look at the position. What experience that you have relates to this position? Focus on that in the interview. Everything else is extraneous.

Look at your work history….for each position, what did you do, what did you like most, what did you like least, why did you move on?
Look at any gaps, and think about any jobs that you did not leave simply for a better opportunity. Why did you leave?
Is there any experience in the job description that is not reflected on your resume or application? Be prepared to tell what you DO have that relates to this item. If you don’t know what a term in the job description or posting means, google it. Ask people you know for help.

1. Tell me About Yourself: This consists of what in your background fits this position and this company. End with, “And that’s why I’m excited to be talking about this position with you today.”
2. What are your three greatest strengths? Give an example of each.
3. What is your greatest weakness?
4. What is an accomplishment of which you are most proud?
5. How much are you looking to earn?
6. Why should I hire you?

Most interviews are behaviorally based. You answer the questions using the PAR technique.
P- Tell the Problem (VERY briefly…they understand there was a problem…don’t build it up or spend time proving it
A- What action did you take?
R- What was the result?

Prepare five stories, using the PAR technique to highlight your strengths, an accomplishment, and a time something didn’t go your way or you weren’t getting along with someone.
Most people forget to tell the result. Remember end on the positive!

Now you are ready to have someone quiz or mock interview you.

Put out your clothes tonight and shine your shoes.
Make sure you have the map, know how to get there, and take the contact information of the interviewer with you.

At the end of the interview, let them know the fit that you see there, and ask for the job, or what the next step is. Make sure to get their business card and follow up within 24 hours with a thank you note.